
Lux Semper Redit (Light Always Returns)

A holiday illustration featuring a mama moose and twin calves framed in an archway with stylised halos in a triquetra pattern. There is snow gently falling all around as well as accumulating under their hooves and spilling through the archway, which is decorated with rainbow strand-lights. Both mother and juvenile moose wear golden rings and bells in their ears; the mother has a garland of evergreens and gilded pinecones around her neck, while the calf on the left is crowned with a wreath of juniper branches laden with bluish-purple berries, and the one on the right wears a matching crown of red rowan berries and black twigs.

2022 holiday piece    

mother moose bedecked in gold and green boughs keeps watch over twin calves crowned with juniper and rowan

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On the Edge of Night


Cultures the world over have celebrations that take place on or near the Winter Solstice, and much of the symbolism overlaps: we celebrate the turning of the tide of darkness back toward longer days and shorter nights. For those of us in northern climes, we gather whatever warmth and light we can: friends and family, the special foods and gifts we've saved to share, cosy fires, hot toddies, down blankets, wool socks, coloured lights - all the things that guide us through the annual pilgrimage into darkness and back out into the new-dawning year and the promise of spring, even though it's still too early to see or feel it.


Below you will find the rest of the holiday series, with a new piece debuted each year since 2017.


If you'd like to browse the rest of the artwork, you can explore the entire portfolio to learn more about the in-depth symbolism and/or creative process behind each piece.

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Meeting Mr. Tumnus

an ode to one of my favourite scenes from the Narnia chronicles

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King of the Forest

elk bull & calf crowned with candles and garlands of fir

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A spread from a tea party including a red tea pot, yellow candles, a bowl of oranges and some cheese adorned a foil table top.  Two mice have helped themselves to the bounty, one rests atop the orange pile, and the other on a red wax round of cheese.

Yule Tea After-Party

a family of mice toast each other's good health amidst the scattered remains of a holiday feast

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Otter Snowslide

3 playful otters make the most of the snowfall beneath a starry aurora

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Goblet of Goodwill

a mystical raven scatters gold and silver bells and coins from a magical cup beneath a snowy full moon

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Shop the Holiday Series

celebrating the annual triumph of light over darkness


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