
presented in partnership with TransVisible Montana

Transcend + Transilience

Transcend: featuring works by Rae Senarighi

Transilience: featuring works by selected trans, nonbinary, & two-spirit Montana artists

Jan 20th-Mar 30th 2023
@ the Holter Museum of Art in Helena, MT

I'm thrilled to be one of the artists selected to participate in the Transilience collection to kick off 2023!

Below you can find more info about the 8 works on display in large format at the Holter Museum of Art in Helena, MT for the first 3 months of the year.


"I am adrift in a houseboat built of paper and dreams."

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Digital illustration of an abstract mountain forest landscape against a geometric sunscape of vivid yellow and blue with swirls of dark violet stormclouds. Text is incorporated throughout the piece as part of the illustration.

Here Comes the Breaking

"Ready or not: the tide is turning; here comes the breaking."

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Remember the Sound of Your Name

"Whenever you fear becoming lost, remember the sound of your name on the lips of someone who loves you, and never trust the wheedling voice of despair."

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Far From Any Hope of Harbour

"Some days nothing seems quite real; I am unmoored and far from any hope of harbour."

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To End Up Here With You

"It's said that nothing lasts forever, but some things do last a lifetime. I would pass through every hardship again to end up here with you."

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Welcome to the Precipice

"Here we are gathered together with purpose; bring everything you are. Welcome to the precipice. The chasm waits below."

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Rising Molten

"Nothing is set in stone except the fact that even the stones are always changing: rising molten, impact-shattered, worn and weathered, moss-bedecked, smoothed by flowing water."

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When You Know That Goodbye Is Inevitable

"The hardest part of love is doing it anyway when you know that goodbye is inevitable."

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